Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Northend Little League Opening Day

Saturday May 3rd, 2008 was opening day for the Hartford Northend Little League. This league has been in existence for over 30 years. Since 2008, HCTC/Stump has sponsored teams at this league and currently provides staff support as umpires & concession stand assistants.

Brother Carl Hardricks receives the first pitch of the season

Hartford Communities That Care/Stump The Violence sponsored team


Anonymous said...

I like your blog

Anonymous said...

You these things, I have read twice, for me, this is a relatively rare phenomenon!
Personalized Signature:常州麻将,常州三打一,常州攻主,常州斗地主,常州4人升级

cathy said...

this comment is not really on underage drinking, it is actually not a comment at all. I really have a true concern about this program in the young men that are in this program.
first let me start by telling you that I came as a concern parent and asked for help with my 14years old son who is also in a "gang".
Well it started with 3 brothers coming my house to meet me and my son and to discuss some of the concerns that i had. I thought that it was a very wonderful thing that they was doing,this men did not know a thing about. there was one brother that was assigned to my son. He use to come over, call him and take him places. My son really took to him. Suddently, thing changes, there were no phones, no visits, nothing. I called and did not get an answer nor a return phone call. I even left a message a couple of times. My son claims that he do not know what happened. I also spoke to Mr. Woods at weaver school(picking up our kids progress notes), he said that he would speak to the gentleman the used to come to see my son and have him call me. But I never got that call. That conversation was early in the school year, this year, before first marking period was over. Well as you can see that I really had not let that go. I just saddens me as a single mom with all boys,not having a clue how to raise these boys to men. and thinking that maybe I would have some help with these young men. Even though it not the responsiblity of everone else it really did feel great to see that someone cared about my boys becoming men,but then it just all disappeared. All of this came to me on this day January 20,2009,day of inauguration, when a black man became president. Now what am I suppose to tell my kids about other black men around here when they just stop caring about them, and they have no in their reach to call when they need or advice or help. What do I say to them when they want to know what to do next and there is no male role model to guide them. See we do not many role models in our family, so they only have afew example to go by and all are not strong. So what I was just wanted to is; Why? WHY is there no one to help my sons. Thank you and may God bless you.